Need to reach us after hours for emergency service? Call or email us today:
After Hours/Emergency Phone: (650) 280-0317
After Hours/Emergency Email:
We will do everything possible to help with your emergency fueling needs in a timely and professional manner. Our fleet of trucks range can carry anywhere from 200 gallons, to 800 gallons, to 4500 gallons, up to 8000 gallons. We can access emergency power generators and fire pumps that are located in parking garages with our small truck fleet. We can also pump vertically into roof mount generators, bulk tanks, and other high locations above two stories with our pump trucks. Please be sure to specify the location of your generators and fire pumps to ensure that we send the correct truck for the job. Also, if there are any special fittings needed (2 inch cam locks, regular fuel nozzle, etc.) to dispense the fuel into your equipment/tank(s), please be sure to provide this information when you contact us.
For all delivery requests during normal business hours, please contact our Mountain View office:
Monday – Friday from 6:00 AM – 5:00 PM
(650) 967-2253
(800) 499-6451
We appreciate the opportunity to help you when you need us most.