Memberships - Valley Oil



wpma poc

Valley Oil Company has been attending the Pacific Oil Conference (POC) and Western Petroleum Marketing Association (WPMA) conventions on an annual basis for over 30 years. We look forward to attending these events annually to see our many friends, competitors, suppliers, and vendors of the petroleum industry. These conventions and conferences provide a great forum for us to facilitate, grow, learn about industry & product changes/ improvements, and maintain our lasting relationships within the petroleum industry. If you are attending any of these conventions, we will most likely be in attendance as well. Feel free to reach out to us prior to the convention dates to set up a time and date to meet and learn about how we can build a lasting business relationship with your company, services, and products.


In addition to attending the WPMA and POC conventions, we are also a proud member of the California Independent Oil Marketers Association (CIOMA). This membership is offered to petroleum distributors “jobbers” such as Valley Oil Company within the state of California and helps provide a trusted and lasting network amongst other “jobbers” within the state.


Valley Oil Company is a member of the Alliance Petroleum Corporation, a network of ~85 petroleum jobbers throughout California, Nevada, and Arizona dedicated to helping each other deliver products to customers across this region. This partnership enables Alliance members to service the needs of customers in areas outside their immediate distribution areas, resulting in a lower cost to the customer.

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